Gilbert is a little awkward and tall, just what you would think a baby giraffe to be. Measures 1 foot wide by 4 feet tall and sits on a 2 inch wooden box. { $287 } SOLD
I am in love, I secretly don't want this painting to go. Something about Olivia says "be my best friend". Measures 2 feet tall by 1 foot wide and sits on a 2 inch wooden box. { $287 } SOLD
Again, I am inspires by the beach. This is a throw back piece for me. It combines the illustrative style that I would say describes me with the grungier style that used to. Measures 2 feet wide by 1 foot tall and sits on a 2 inch wooden box. { $ 227 }
Books are full of character, I am pretty addicted to them, this is one of many book paintings you will see from me. Measures 1 foot by 1 foot and sits on a 2 inch wooden box. { $117 }
Named after an old friend of mine whom always managed to make me smile. Button button button, whose got the button...Measures 1 foot by 1 foot and sits on a 2 inch wooden box. { $137 }
What is better than a collecting shells at the beach? Not much. I love the coast (Oregon's coast in particular) This piece combines two wonderful things, shells and a mason jar. Makes me want to take a trip. Measures 1 foot by 1 foot and sits on a 2 inch wooden box. { $137 }
They just don't make'em like this anymore. I just read that the newer generation will not care much about classic or antique things. How sad is that. I on the other hand love old things, including this old truck. I hope this is not the last old automobile you see from me. Measures 2 feet by 2 feet and sits on a 2 inch wooden box. { $397 } SOLD
Beeeeeautiful, I think bees are so wonderful. Not only do they keep flowers alive they look great doing it. Here is another painting of an intimidating creature that when looked at just right is charming. Measures 1 1/2 feet wide by 1 foot tall and sits on a 2 inch wooden box. { $197 } SOLD
If an elephant just isn't enough, add an egret! I just discovered this great bird. They have an interesting choice of friends, among which are alligators, hippos and yes, elephants. If you were a small bird in the wild wouldn't you want an elephant on your side, I would. Measures 1 foot wide by 2 feet tall and sits on a 2 inch wooden box. { $267 }
My Mother winced when she heard that I was painting an octopus, she said something close to: they are so mean, can't you paint something that makes people happy? Well, if this doesn't make you happy what can? Once she saw Burt she fell in love, and quickly changed her mind about our friends that octopus. Measures 4 feet wide by 2 feet tall and sits on a 2 inch wooden box. { $397 } SOLD
This painting brought out the still life in me. I guess it is my twist on the fruit bowl most art students are required to paint in school. Measures 4 feet wide by 2 feet tall. { $307 }
No animals were harmed in the making of this painting. I grew up at a summer camp in Corbett, if a camper received three or more letters in the mail camp tradition required said camper to "kiss the moose" which hung on the lodge wall. Naturally the moose's name was Melvin. Measures 4 feet wide by 4 feet tall and sits on a 2 inch wooden box. { $387 } SOLD
"A wise old owl lived in an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke. The less he spoke, the more he heard. Why can't we all be like that wise old bird?" Measures 2 feet wide by 2 feet tall and sits on a 2 inch wooden box. { $297 } SOLD
This windmill sits on a very nice couples property in Bend Oregon. Along with this windmill are some amazing antique signs and gas pumps. It would be a pickers dream. Measures 2 feet wide by 4 feet tall and sits on a 2 inch wooden box. { $297 } SOLD
Johnny was named after my mother made a comment about this painting... think Folsom Prison. I love old buildings and industrial areas, they definitely inspire me. Measures 2 feet wide by 2 feet tall and sits on a 2 inch wooden box. {$177}
Sometimes you just want to do something different, Faye is a representation of that. I do think everything looks great with a black outline, maybe this is to prove that it can still be pretty with out the harsh outlines. I think this became one of my favorite pieces because it is undefined and understated. The piece measures 2 feet wide by 4 feet tall and sits on a 2 inch wooden box. { $297 } SOLD
There are so many things that can be stored in a mason jar... watch for more to come! Measures 4 feet tall by 2 feet wide and sits on a 2 inch wooden box. {$397} SOLD
" You rock Chuck." This painting was inspired by some friends of mine that live near the old mill in Bend Oregon. Measures 2 feet tall by 2 feet wide and sits on a 2 inch wooden box. {$177} SOLD